

It's possible my interest in technology was inevitable, I was born in the 90's and grew up with a massive growth in tech. The rise of the internet, personal computers, gaming consoles, smart phones and more sparked a fundamental interest in technology. After graduating from high school, I took a break to contemplate what I wanted to do for a career until I decided to turn my passion for technology into a career and began attending CSU to earn my bachelor's in computer science. At CSU I learned many of the key skills needed for software development, such as Object-Oriented Programming principles and languages, Web development languages and frameworks, algorithms, data structures, database integration, and Agile development practices, among many more. While attending CSU I began working in IT to gain experience, but now that I have graduated I am looking to take my first steps in this exciting field and find employment as a software engineer.


Frameworks and Technologies


Web App built using Flask for the API, Python for the back end, and MongoDB for the database. allows users to create decks and add or edit attributes.
This application allows a user to create, edit, delete and add employees. Several different employee types are used, and files can be saved as Json, csv, or binary. The GUI was designed using the tool Scenebuilder then saved as a FXML for java to use.
Website that allows users to create, edit, delete and add mailing labels. The front end was programmed in HTML, JavaScript and CSS, and the back end was programmed using C# and the framework. the Database used SQL statements and a MySQL database.
This was a project where I programmed the board game Dominion, creating a custom linked list class, and utilizing Object Oriented Programming principles such as polymorphism and abstraction.